
  • The News:,_??

  • The Letter:,_??

  • The Kat_??

  • The ₩h○le §entences_??

I've binin Crypto Since: June/2020

Subscribe:: stay up to date on some Web3 stuff, follow me around while I scrape for coins, loosen up with some dapp, write on-chains, browse thru blocks, do the dao, sell pictures, pretend to understand code!

Subscribe:: see who’s cool, see who sucks, see who’s afk! Learn from my exp how to let go and BE the rabbithole.

Subscribe:: I bbq.dog dare you to understand this space, this community, and the earnest logic of CrypTown, thru the thoughts, observations and insanities of a true crypto og*

Substack:: Do you have to worry about missing a thing? No! Every new sletter go in Ubox.

*tbh, im in my 2nd year of og graduate studies..capitals aren’t allowed until 3rd year, so just 6 more months! wish me Luck!

-the crew

part community, part people, part share:

?provides the tech, visit: Substack.com,

Subscribe to >'•'<♧meYow



I know a pony named Toni, so real and cool, she never hooved phony, and if she felt friendly, she'd come on plenty, and I'd go gooey for how it would feel.